let’s stand strong for boise!

Hello, boise!
When I was sworn in just over three years ago and had the great honor of becoming your mayor, I knew we were facing some steep challenges. (Little did we all know the even steeper challenges to come.)
And now, three years later and with some accomplishments under my belt, I know this to be true: I will always stand in defense of our shared Boise values, no matter what challenges we face.
That’s why I’m excited to let you know that, yes, I am running for another term as Boise's mayor, and will again be asking for the honor of your support and vote. You can expect to hear from me in the coming weeks, on your doorstep or via personal call or text. (Yes, it’s really me, and yes, I can’t wait to talk to you!)
I’m ready to keep up the work of ensuring that everyone in Boise has a place to call home, a job that pays a living wage, and access to beautiful city parks only a walk away. We all deserve a city where we can feel safe, where we can belong, and where we can all build our own Boise story.
There’s so much good work to do, together.
See you soon, Boise!